By Being A Difference

The Beginning

This Revolution started on 8th of June, 2011, A day when few students of Brightlands School, Dehradun..Which is also one of the finest schools in Asia, stood and asked themselves if they were actually responsible citizens or not.
And they actually did something that must have done a lot more earlier. 

MAD( Making a Difference), is a youth brigade (currently functional only in Dehradun city- but looking to expand nationally). They aim to keep their city green and clean- and actively conduct regular awareness drives and activities in furtherance of their goals. They have gone on many clean-up drives, distributed useful items and home-made food among the poor, for making a difference. They were  a young group started with few champs but is  now an army getting build up everyday.


  1. young army instead would better define MAD

    1. We respect the suggestions sir,
      Abhijay Negi has replied on ur comment

  2. It would and it could. We would accept with humility each nomenclature Sir. Gautam has been doing an excellent job in helping the message of service reach out. Definitions will come and go, the spirit to serve must stay.

  3. great going...good luck for your future


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