By Being A Difference

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Men Don't Rape, Mentality Does

In the era of falling GDP and increasing Rapes, a video called "The Other Side" is a different take on the Indian Society where a good man is a myth.

As we all know, good is often victimized because of the bad and people tend to blame the whole community instead of accusing a particular section.

This video beautifully shows the difference in the mentality and how we can have an Other Side of the story too.

An appreciable concept by the Creative Panna Team

Your views on this video are awaited.


  1. Completely agree that it's the same mentality that is responsible for rape happening anywhere in the word. To stop rape incidences, we have to target this mentality not the men because mentality can be changed. Quite thoughtful, Mr. Sehgal :)


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